NASWA Journal Columns · 2008 · May

Pirate Radio Report, May 2008

Last Updated on May 21, 2008 by Ralph Brandi

Hello and welcome to the May 2008 edition of the Pirate Radio Report.

Springtime conditions have arrived and static is on the rise. The good news is that the longer days are causing pirate signals to be heard longer in the evening before dropping MUFs cause fade-outs. Lots of activity during the past few weeks as well, including replays of Radio Metallica and UPMB.

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See other Pirate Radio Report columns.

Equipment Reviews, May 2008

Last Updated on May 21, 2008 by Ralph Brandi

###Microtelecom Perseus Software Defined Receiver###

A sea change has occurred with receiver technology. Over the past three decades, digital technology has gradually supplemented and then replaced analog circuitry in modern radios. At first, microprocessors were put into radios for tuning and function switching and external computers were used to control receivers. The next transition was the replacement of hardware by software (digital signal processing). Now, we have reached the point where the computer (with the addition of a couple of outboard intergrated circuits) is the radio. Not only has the internal hardware of the receiver been eliminated, but the control hardware of knobs and switches has been replaced by a computer mouse.

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See other Equipment Reviews columns.

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At 2023 Mar 14, 0300 UTC

  • Solar Flux: 143
  • A-index: 3
  • K-index: 3

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