NASWA Journal Columns · Flashsheet #269, March 28, 2007

Mark Taylor • 1114 Ellen Av. • Madison, WI 53716 markokpik◊

Flashsheet #269, March 28, 2007

Last Updated on March 23, 2023 by Rich Cuff

Next Deadline: Sunday, Apr. 1, 2007 at 1700 UTC (1300 EDT/1200 CDT/1100 MDT/1000 PDT).

All loggings to be sent to Mark Taylor aand Rich D’Angelo.

Thanks to all who contributed this week!


3291.2 GUYANA. Voice of Guyana, 0302-0341, 3/22/07. Man announcer hosting a program of ancient pop vocals with IDs. Poor to fair. (D’Angelo-PA)

3340 HONDURAS. Radio Misiones Internacionales, 0535-0605*, 3/25/07. Spanish ballads, LA music. Spanish anmts. ID at 0555. Abruptly pulled plug at 0605. Fair. (Alexander, PA)

3396 ZIMBABWE. Radio Zimbabwe, 0300-0342, 3/21/07. Man announcer in English with multiple IDs mentioning shortwave frequency of 6,065 kHz in the 49 meter band and various FM channels. Program of local vocals hosted by the same man followed. Fair. (D’Angelo-PA)

3396 ZIMBABWE. Radio Zimbabwe (Gweru), 0034-0110+, 3/24/07. Variety of local choral music, Afro-pop music. Talk in vernacular. Weak, poor in noise. ( Alexander, PA)

4790.09 PERU. Unid. 0227, 3/25/07. Came upon this stn. with some sort of event, YL screaming(!) and heavy echo sound effects, just above the local noise level but improving very slightly as time went on – No ID heard, but both Atlantida and Vision heard in this vicinity – Vision is usually listed for 4790.1.

4814.97 ECUADOR. R Buen Pastor (P), 0245, 3/25/07. Long winded tlk, some Andean style vocals into more tlk and instrumentals – no ID heard but likely them. Much better on USB, gone by 0305. (Agner-MD)

4815 BRAZIL. Radio Difusora Londrina, 0231-0254*, 3/19/07. Religious vocals with a man with religious talk in Portuguese. Carrier cut in mid-song. Poor to fair, with CODAR QRM. (D’Angelo-PA)

4918.99 ECUADOR. R Quito, 0133, 3/21/07. Coming thru reasonably despite heavy local QRN – occasional phone interviews and ann, musical interludes, audio wasn’t too distorted as in prev reports, solid ID and TC 0133, Not here every nite.

4970 INDIA. AIR-Shillong, 1602-1630*, 3/24/07. OM DJ in English, with pop songs (Whitney Houston “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”), sign-off with: “This is the North Eastern Service of All India Radio broadcasting from Shillong on 60… meters, 4970 kHz”, fair. (Howard – Shanghai, China)

5009.79 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Radio Pueblo (Santo Domingo), 0000-0001*, 3/24/07. Just caught the end of their transmission with choral type mx at tune-in. ID announcement at 0001 & off. Good reception for this one minute. (Alexander, PA)

5865 GREECE. Voice of Greece via Olympia Radio (Pyrgos), 0158 – 0210, 2/21/07, in Greek. Talk, ID at ToH, distinctive Greek music, M. w/ talk between music. (Taylor-WI)

5952.41 BOLIVIA. Radio Pio Doce (Siglo Veinte), 1040-1050+ 3/23/07. Spanish talk. ID at 1041. Fair signal strength but poor, difficult reception with QRM from strong stations on 5950 & 5955. (Alexander, PA)

6045 MEXICO. XEXQ, 1310, 3/19/07. Not heard well lately, but classical music detectable, JBA amid stronger Asian signals. (Glenn Hauser-OK)

6060 CHINA. Sichuan PBS-2, 1126-1224, 3/24/07. Traditional Chinese music, BoH their usual canned program ID (consists of a musical fanfare, followed by an ID in Chinese by YL & OM [lists frequencies of 954 kHz. And 5900 kHz.] and ending with an OM in English: “This is the Voice of Golden Bridge”), // 7225, fair-poor. The programming is only in Chinese (Mandarin). First time I have been able to hear them here in Shanghai. Have somewhat better reception back in Calif. (Howard – Shanghai, China)

6095 NEW ZEALAND. RNZI, 1401, 3/25/07. On new 6095 ex-5950, with news about dog attack in Hamilton; DRM was still running on 7145. (Glenn Hauser-OK)

6139.8 COLOMBIA. Radio Lider, 0355 – 0408, 3/18/07, in SS. Latin pop, to talk at ToH (partially obscured by RHC ID sequence), ID at 0402, alt. M. & W. announcers. Poor due to RHC QRM. Also 1022 – 1040, 3/24/07. Mellow Latin American music, Full ID “Radio Lider 730 AM … Radio Lider noticias.” Music, to another program of noticias at 1040 – correspondent reports. Fair. (Taylor-WI)

6139.8 COLOMBIA. R. Líder, 0545, 3/19/07. May have missed a day, but it was back on at 0545 check with music. (Glenn Hauser-OK)

6139.8 COLOMBIA. Radio Lider, 0338-0357, 3/20/07. Noted with program of Latin music hosted by a man announcer with Spanish talk and frequent Ids. Poor, with significant splatter from Cuba on 6,140 kHz. Noted again on Mar 22 with similar programming and fair to good signal. (D’Angelo-PA)

6139.8 COLUMBIA. R Lider, 0101, 3/22/07. Obvious news program, numerous IDs with chimes, TC and callsign. It would actually be listenable if there wasn’t Habana (as identified by Mark Wilson in DXLD) about 140hz higher. This one dominates, but sometimes fades down then slowly comes back

6300 OPPOSITION. Radio Nacional de la RASD, Rabuni, fair to good at 2134 on 3/18 with W in SS. (Dexter-WI)

6370 harmonic U.S.A. WWRB (Manchester, TN), 0140-0200+, 3/25/07. Weak 2nd harmonic of 3185, with English program about US education system. 2 x 3185 = 6370. ( Alexander, PA)

6430 harmonic U.S.A. WWCR (Nashville, TN), 0150-0200+, 3/25/07. 2nd harmonic of 3215 with English religious programming. Fair ro good signal. 2 x 3215 = 6430. (Alexander, PA)

6875 PIRATE. The Crystal Ship, 2321-0005*, 03-19/20-07. Music and audio clips from old movies and TV shows. Mx included: “Jenny,” “heavy Metal,” “Tracks of my Tears,” and two versions of “Fade to Black.” Several Ids mentioning the Blue States. Postal addy given as POB 1, Belfast NY 14711 USA. The signal ranged from fair to very good with problems with fades. (Wood, TN)

6925 PIRATE. Radio Pigmeat International, 2314-2345. 3/18/07. Music and ID’s: “you are listening to Radio Pigmeat International, Free Radio from North America.” Fair to good level amidst QRN and QSB. (Insinger-NJ)

6925 PIRATE. Deliverance Radio, 0140 – 0200, 3/18/07. Playing the “Deliverance” theme song and lots of sound effects by male announcer with southern accent. Off at 0200. Nice level. (Insinger-NJ)

6925 PIRATE. WNKR (presumed relay), 0102-0129, 24 Mar 07, in EG. OM anncr with several jingle and vox ID¹s. Ments of Dave Martin. Ments of NA Pirate Hall of Fame. MX by the Rolling Stones, Rod Stewart, and others. Reports from listeners in various parts of the UK. Fair. (Wood, TN)

6925 PIRATE. WNKR (presumed relay), 0202-0227*, 24 Mar 07, in EG. I am not sure if this was a continuation of the earlier log. Andy Walker with reports from listeners in various parts of the UK. IDs and British mx. Ments of Channel Z. Good. (Wood, TN).

7190 TUNISIA. RTV Tunisienne (Sfax), 2157-2213, 3/23/2007, Arabic. Man talking followed at 2200 by woman with news. Short segment of Arabic music at 2204. 2210 Two men talking. Moderate signal (SINPO 34333). (Jim Evans, TN)

7255 NIGERIA. Voice of Nigeria (Ikoradu), 2151-2200, 3/23/2007, French. Talk by man with mention of Nigeria followed by West African pop music. 2157 Announcements by woman, instrumental music. 2159 Identification by man and language switch to vernacular. Moderate signal (SINPO 34333). (Jim Evans, TN)

7475 GREECE. Foni Tis Helladas (Athens), 2130-2150, 3/23/2007, Greek. Program of very enjoyable Greek music with announcements by man and woman. Moderate signal (SINPO 34333). Parallel 9420 noted with slightly stronger signal. (Jim Evans, TN)

7545 ISRAEL. Kol Israel (Tel Aviv), 2137-2150, 3/23/2007, Hebrew. Two men talking. Good signal (SINPO 44333). (Jim Evans, TN)

9335 SRI LANKA. Radio Farda (Iranawila), 2114-2130*, 3/18/07. Man talking in Farsi with several IDs hosting a program of local vocals. Carrier cut in mid-song. Fair. (D’Angelo-PA)

9425 INDIA. AIR, -Bangaluru (p) with Indian-like vocals at 2115 on 3/23/07. Believed in Hindi. Faair to good but fluttery. Also 9445-Bangaluru in EE at 2130. (Dexter-WI)

9599.2 approx. MEXICO. XEYU, 0535, 3/25/07. Coming thru again, with Beethoven, good but fades; 0549 outro announce as a Romance, and current time as 23:49, confirming they are still on CST another week, chime and ID as Radio Unam, pronounced as a word. Also audible with classical music at 1334. (Glenn Hauser-OK)

9599.30 MEXICO. XEYU-Radio Universidad (Mexico City), 0955-1010+, 3/24/07. Classical piano music. Spanish announcement at 1005. Classical instrumental music at 1006. Poor, weak in noisy conditions. (Alexander, PA)

9720 SITE? [GUAM – Ed.]. AWR-Voice of Hope, 2138-2200, 3/23/07, in English; program about the 7 pillars of Christianity; many IDs, gives address as: A.W.R., P.O. Box 17, Pune, Maharashtra, India; fair-good. I only have limited access to the web, so cannot find the site for this. (Howard – Shanghai, China) [ per EIBI A07 list]

9755 RWANDA. DW, 0518, Monday 3/19/07. Toward WAf and CNAm, had a fascinating African Focus program about now Eritrea is a nation of poets, interviewing a scholar from Penn State. (Glenn Hauser-OK)

9765 CLANDESTINE. Radio Voice of the People (Talata, Madagascar), *0400-0414, 3/20/07. Time pips followed by opening music and talk by a man announcer in locals language (Shona?) with several IDs and frequency announcements and numerous mentions of Zimbabwe. After a phone interview there was a selection of tribal vocals and drum music. Fair. (D’Angelo-PA)

9850 ENGLAND. RTV Algerienne (Rampisham), 2133, 3/23/07. Man in AA. (Dexter-WI)

9970 BELGIUM. RTBF (Wavre), 2135, 3/23/07. Weak in FF. (Dexter-WI)

10200 CHINA. Firedrake, 1348, 3/21/07. VG with flutter, against Sound of Hope; nothing on 9200 at this time. (Glenn Hauser-OK)

12080 MADAGASCAR. R. Nederland, 1506, 3/24/0. English service to S Asia. Nx followed by several features. Only S2 but in the clear. (Strawman-IA)

12275 spur CHILE. Voz Cristiana, 0200-0230+, 3/25/07. Weak spur, or mixing product, from 11970 & 11665 mixing together with Spanish religious programming. 305 kHz separation between each frequency. (Alexander, PA)

13725 USA ?. VOA, 2130, 3/17/07. In FF for Africa to 2130 close. Not shown in sked., so no site info. (Dexter-WI)

15075 INDIA. AIR Bengaluru/Bangalore (presumed), 0523-0530*, 3/23/07, sub- contintent music, fair-poor. (Howard – Shanghai, China)

15115 PHILIPPINES. R. Pilipinas/VOP, 0253-0322, 3/23 & 24/07, in English; “Dateline”, from the Presidential Palace in Manila; “The Philippines Today”, many IDs: “Radio Philipinas Overseas, The Voice of the Philippines”, “More than 7,100 islands make up the Philippines”, // 15230, both fair-good. (Howard – Shanghai, China)

15190 EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Radio Africa (Bata), 1025-1200*, 3/23/07. US produced English religious programming with fire & brimstone preacher. Christian music. No programming at 1101-1107. Only an open carrier. Back at 1107 with religious talk. Closing announcements at 1158 with ID & Cupertino, California address given. Fair signal strength but audio somewhat distorted. (Alexander, PA)

15265 GREAT BRITAIN. R. Solh (Rampisham), 1228, 3/19/07. Program featuring continuous mx w/ infrequent Afghani announcements. Signal had fading but overall an S6. (Strawman-IA)

15265 ENGLAND. R. Solh (Rampisham), 1430, 3/19/07. Reception was better than usual, so was looking forward to another replay of the Solh Theme Song which has been appearing without fail every day at 1451-1457. But not today! Some urgent speaking was going at 1450, and it was not until 1453 that the song which always precedes it started; and not until 1458 till the Solh Theme began, 7 minutes late. And of course was cut off abruptly at 1500 when the transmitter must close down. However, they had the courtesy to fade it down in the last few seconds before cutoff. (Glenn Hauser-OK)

15410 CHILE. La Voz, in PP at 2130 3/18/07. Fades and het. (Dexter-WI)

15784.78 ISRAEL. Galei Zahal (Tel Aviv), 2140-2200+, 3/23/07. Hebrew talk. Music by Queen. Local pop mx. Weak but readable. Much better on // 6973.25 (Alexander, PA)

17660.03 SAUDI ARABIA. Radio Riyadh, 1659-1800+, 3/23/07. Heard prior to 1659 mixing with WYFR. Good signal after WYFR signs off at 1659 with English program about computers. Religious program at 1708. Program about the business-economic relationship between Saudi Arabia & Japan. Another program about computers at 1741. Local music program at 1800. Stronger than usual. (Alexander, PA)

Contributor/Editor Comments:

Jim Ronda – “My war with the squirrels”:

Several days ago I discovered that squirrels had been chewing on the antenna rope that holds up one end of my 100′ long wire. The rope is wrapped around a big oak tree that just happens to be a favorite perch for the squirrels. This is mating season — the squirrels are all over the tree and themselves. I acted promptly, doubling the thickness of the rope. That was plainly not enough. In an act of sheer defiance the squirrels then began to work over that the extra strong rope with their sharp teeth. I decided that this was a declaration of war that called for extreme measures. Shooting the squirrels was out of the question — at least so said my wife. In desperation I decided to replace the rope with two lines of #18 gauge wire. I twisted the wire into a single cable, threaded it through the insulator and hoisted the whole thing back up the tree. So far the wire had discouraged further assaults but with these Oklahoma squirrels anything can happen! At least so far I’ve not seen any critter trying to climb my GMDSS-2 vertical but I know that if the little b_____ds could, they would.

Log correction: Thanks to Glenn Hauser, a misreading by Jim Ronda and incorrect memory by your editor is hereby corrected.

6185 ENGLAND. R. Republica, 0143-0230, 3/18/07. Fair-poor in lots of noise and bubble jamming with pop vocals, long Spanish talks, and R. Republica IDs @ 0200 and 0229; a signal rapidly moving from poor to fair to good and back to poor. EiBi has this site as UK. (Ronda-OK)


Mike Agner Glen Burnie, Md. Equipment: Ten Tec RX320, Carpet Loop, various homebrew antennas

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA . Equipment: Tentec RX-340, AOR-7030+, 100′ longwire

Rich D’Angelo, 2216 Burkey Drive, Wyomissing, PA 19610, U.S.A. Equipment: Ten-Tec RX-340, Drake R-8B, Eton E1, Lowe HF-150, Alpha Delta DX Sloper, RF Systems Mini-Windom, Datong FL3, JPS ANC-4

Gerry Dexter Lake Geneva WI. Equipment: NRD 515, NRD 545, eton E-1

Jim Evans Germantown, TN Equipment: TenTec RX-340, Drake R8B; 90′ random wire, 60′ PAR EF-SWL, LFE H-800.

Glenn Hauser Enid, Oklahoma Equipment: FRG-7, DX-398/ATS-909, YB-400, ICF SW07, random wires

Ron Howard Shanghai, China. Equipment: Etón E5

Jim Ronda Tulsa, OK Equipment: NRD-545, R-75, E-1 + Eavesdropper, 100′ random wire, GMDSS-2.

Jerry Strawman Des Moines, IA. Equipment: Ten-Tec RX-340 + Drake R8A + 60 Meter Dipole

Mark Taylor, Madison, Wi. R-75, Eton E1, Sat 800; 110′ random wire, Eavesdropper

Joe Wood Greenback TN. Equipment: DX 390

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