NASWA Journal Columns · Net Notes, January 1999

Tom Sundstrom W2XQ • P.O. Box 2275 • Vincentown, NJ 08088-2275 trs◊

Net Notes, January 1999

Last Updated on October 13, 2005 by Ralph Brandi

Happy New Year!

Auroral activity extrapolated from NOAA/POES is displayed on the Web. “Instruments on board the NOAA Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) continually monitor the power flux carried by the protons and electrons that produce aurora in the atmosphere.” Northern and Southern pole maps show the breadth of the current auroral zone, especially interesting to watch when there are solar disturbances.

Now the Russian near-equivalent of the USA FCC is available for inspection. It is the Main Centre for Control of Broadcasting Networks (MCCBN), “… an enterprise under the State Committee for Communications and Informatics of the Russian Federation. Its main objective is organization of the operation of radiobroadcasting facilities over the range of long medium, short and ultrashort waves. MCCBN develops the frequency-allocation tables for broadcasting over the short-waves band; it registers those tables with the international organizations, coordinates the use of frequencies with foreign radio stations and takes measures to remove mutual interferences.

There’s a sad ending to the story of the closure of Electronic Equipment Bank. Now we know why federal investigators conducted a raid about a year ago. Dick Robinson was convicted of defrauding the government of $50,000 in supplies. I wonder what he was thinking of. He will be sentenced February 19. Modify the link below and look on February 20 to see the outcome.

We revamped our Web site too. If you can’t find what you are looking for, start at the top. If you like what you see, tell a friend.

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Solar Conditions

At 2023 Mar 14, 0300 UTC

  • Solar Flux: 143
  • A-index: 3
  • K-index: 3

Full Report from NOAA
