NASWA Journal Columns · Pirate Radio Report, October 1998

Chris Lobdell • P.O. Box 146 • Stoneham, MA 02180-0146 clobdell◊

Pirate Radio Report, October 1998

Last Updated on October 13, 2005 by Ralph Brandi

Hi, and welcome to the October edition of the PIRATE RADIO REPORT! Winter conditions are setting in which means less noise and the sunspots are arising which means this should be the best pirate DX season since 1992. Let’s hope so!

Happy Halloween!

The Halloween holiday has always been an active one for pirates and this year it falls on a Saturday, so expect 6955 kHz to be active throughout the afternoon and evening on October 31st. Will Radio Halloween make it’s annual appearance? We’ll just have to wait and see. Be sure to send in your Halloween logs which will appear in the December PPR.

The FRN Pirate CD

Kirk Trummel, one of the fine folks at the FREE RADIO NETWORK, has recently made available volume one. The CD is in a MPEG3 Audio format [.mp3] which allows for over 30 hours of audio on one CD. Volume One contains programs from over 35 pirates. The cost is US $20.00. Minimum requirements are a Pentium 90 CPU. For more info, you can email Kirk Trummel at

I bought my own copy and I’m very pleased with it. It comes with a player from Winamp which plays the .mp3 format without a hitch!


Lots of good loggings this month, so before I forget, I’d like to thank the following folks who sent them in. Pete Costello-NJ, Fred Kohlbrenner-PA, George Maroti-NY, Eddie Muro-NY, Patrick Van Loo-DC, and Bill Wilkins-MO. And if the frequency isn’t mentioned, it’s 6955 kHz.

MYSTERY RADIO is known for doing instrumental versions of popular rock songs.
They were heard on August 24th at 0330 UTC doing ’70s rock covers. [Van Loo-DC]

VOICE OF LARYNGITUS is a station that dates back into the ’80s. They were heard with a new program dealing with aliens. Eddie Muro heard ’em on September 6th at 1409 UTC. Maildrop address is Box 1, Belfast, NY 14711. [Muro-NY]

VOICE OF THE PIG’S EAR, is a new one that popped up over the summer. This was heard on August 11th at 0312 UTC on the usual 6955 kHz USB. The station which describes its programming as “lunatic fringe radio” was ranting about George Bush’s New World Order. [Wilkins-MO]

VOICE OF THE RAVING LUNATIC, was noted on August 30th at 0318 UTC. The Manic Maniac was playing 80’s pop music, didn’t announce an address and said he doesn’t like reception reports. [Wilkins-MO]

YELLOW SUBMARINE RADIO, is a Europirate that was relayed by the SWRS [Shortwave Relay Service], a pirate in Southern Europe. They were heard on 11470 kHz USB at 2340-0001 sign off on September 5th. [Kohlbrenner-PA]. The SWRS is often heard on Saturday’s and Sundays from 2100-0100 UTC here in North America. Give it a try!

WEEKEND MUSIC RADIO, a Scottish pirate made it to North America on August 24th. They were heard on 6952.2 kHz AM from 0002-0112 with an ID and rock oldies. Nice catch! [Maroti-NY]

WRYT, The “Dirty White Boy” who claimed he was killed in an auto accident early this year is back from the dead. Noted on August 16th at 2125 UTC with parody Ads, jokes and 60’s rock. [Van Loo-DC]

WSRR, SOLID ROCK RADIO, was noted on September 19th at 1138 UTC. Male DJ with rock, announcing The Box 1, Belfast, NY 14711 maildrop. [Costello-NY]

That’s it for this month. Happy pirate DX!

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