NASWA Journal Columns · Listener’s Notebook, April 1998

Richard D’Angelo • 2216 Burkey Drive • Wyomissing, PA 19610 rdangelo3◊

Listener’s Notebook, April 1998

Last Updated on October 13, 2005 by Ralph Brandi



Items credited to BBCM are copyright by the BBC Monitoring Service and may not be reproduced without BBCM permission. (Most BBCM items are not available in the electronic edition of Listener’s Notebook. The printed edition of Listener’s Notebook, sent to club members, contains much more information culled from the publications of the BBC Monitoring Service. For information about subscriptions to the BBC Monitoring Service’s publications over the Internet, contact Marian Martin, Marketing Executive, at

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6225 Vorgan is still on the air and I get the impression that the reception is becoming much better. Also heard March 4 at 0452 on 9770: fair reception with interference. (4-7-Mar/Vaghjee-MAU/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

4820 EP Da Huila, 0407, Elvis music, deep-voiced M ancr, more U.S. pops; ID at 0433, foll by sports. (2-Mar/Oldenburg/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

11954.7v R. Nacional 0025 Reactivated outlet heard with man and woman in Portuguese plus nondescript pop vocals; severe QRM from BBC on 11955 but definitely // weak 4950. Still at it when rechecked 0110, but had drifted up to 11954.8. (22-Mar/Hill-MA)

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Carl Moore, chairman of the Barbados Broadcasting Authority, is calling for a SW service to be established, in order to promote the island’s development and for the Bajan diaspora. Two four-hour services in the European and North American evenings would suffice; it might cost $1 million to set up but would be well worth it. The Government Information Service should run it; in the last four years there was one application for a SW service, but it was withdrawn (12-Feb/Barry Alleyne-Daily Nation/Ebeling/World of Radio/Hauser/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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11670 Belarussian Radio home service is heard 1600-2300 via 5 kw transmitter and non-directional antenna, //6115, 7145 (20-Feb/DX Mix/Bulgarian Radio/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL) Already on at 1555, ID “Vas vytaet radiostantsya Krynytsa.” Poor to fair signal. (Pashkevich-RUS/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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RVI Z98, Mar-29 to Oct-24:

0430-0500 Flemish 11750B Mo-Fr
0500-0555 Flemish 11810W 13745W Mo-Fr
0600-0725 Flemish 5985W 9925W Mo-Fr
0730-0755 English 7290W 9940W Mo-Fr
0800-0825 German 5985W 7290W Sa
0800-0825 German 5985W 7290W Su
0830-0855 French 15545W 17690W Sa
0830-0855 French 15545W 17690W Su
0900-1000 Flemish 17690W 21510W Su
1000-1025 Flemish 15535M Mo-Fr
1030-1055 English 9925W 15535W Mo-Fr
1100-1155 Flemish 9925W 11995W Mo-Fr
1200-1225 Flemish 9865PK 15250B 15535T 15590W Mo-Fr
1230-1255 English 15545W Mo-Fr
1300-1600 N* 9925W 11895W 17680W Su
1600-1625 Flemish 5910W 9925W 11965J Mo-Fr
1630-1655 English 5910W 7290W Mo-Fr
1700-1730 Flemish 7410J 11810J 15270W 17655W Mo-Fr
1730-1755 English 11810J 17655W Mo-Fr
1800-1855 Flemish 5840J 13685W 15270W Mo-Fr
1800-1855 Flemish 5840J 15270W Sa
1800-2015 N* 13685W Sa
1900-1930 French 3995J
1900-1930 French 3995J Sa
1900-1955 Flemish 5910W 9925W Mo-Fr
1900-2015 Flemish 5910W 9925W Sa
1930-2000 German 3995J
1930-2000 German 3995J Sa
2030-2055 French 9925W Fr
2230-2255 Flemish 13655B Mo-Fr

B=Bonaire JUL=Jülich M=Antananarivo PK=Petropavlovsk-Kamtsjatka T=Tashkent W=Wavre

N*= Sports progr (relay Radio 1)

(13-Mar/Schotmans-BEL/BCDX/RVI/van Oudheusden/EDXP/Padula-AUS)

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3234.87 Radio Luz y Sonido, Huanuco; 1011-1120 poor, religious px in Quechua. (28-Feb/TIN-JPN/Relampago DX)

4409.0 Radio Eco Reyes, 2315, With local promo for their region. Used to be on 4409.3, now right on 4409 kHz. (10-Mar/Hermod/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

4450.0 Radio Frontera, 0050-0100, with comercial for Banco Central de Bolivia. (13-Mar/Hermod/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

4471.8 Radio Movima, 1040-1050, Good signal. (11-Mar/Wilkner/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

4552.32 RadioDifusoras Tropico, 1020-1035, Noted a man in steady Spanish comments during this period. Signal, unfortunately is threshold this late and can’t copy any details. (10-Mar/Bolland/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

4599.25 Em. Villamontes, 1030-1045, Program in Spanish, talking about care in the trafic, ads for “Estudios Juridicos.”and “…6 con 38 minutos en todo el pais,” Ads for “taller Climatex,” libreria y fotocopia “Center”…taller electronico “SoniC2 la unica en Villa montes. (13-Mar/Iversen/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

4927.1 R. San Miguel, Riveralta, Beni; 0110-0130 mx tropical en castellano ID “Radio San ID “Radio San Miguel desde Riveralta, Beni, Bolivia…” Integracin Docente. (27-Feb/Arrunategui-PRU/Chasqui DX)

5952.4 Radio Pio 12, 0100-0130, With reports in Spanish from ongoing miner conference, then switching to Aymara, with info from Instituto Nacional Agraria (13-Mar/Hermod/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

5964.85 Radio Nacional Huanuni, 1020-1030, Seeminly the one with Bolivian flutes, poor reception of this station normal in South Florida. (11-Mar/Wilkner/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

6105.46 Radio Panamericana, Santa Cruz, 0010-0140, Sport live and ID’s in Spanish. Always with strong splatters from 6105 but comprehensible. Heard also March 16. (13-Mar/Bruni/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

6155.0 Radio Fides, La Paz, 0209-0236, Spanish, Man announcer, ID (with musical Jingle), Musical Program with call in by local listeners, time checks “dies de la noche con veinticinco minutos en todo el pais.” (22-Mar/Eramo/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)1150-1215, Spanish program, weather, news, talking about strikes. (19-Mar/Iversen/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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RNB‘s English at 1200-1320 on 15445 not only suffers from worn-out tapes but a worn-out transmitter. March 3 at 1227 15445 had distorted music, warble on carrier, and even more distorted spur on 15500.0, matched by 15390.0 which was under VOA in Spanish but in the clear after 1230 when an RNB announcement was definitely in parallel on all three (Hauser/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

4985 Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 2305-2400, Many IDs as “Radio Brasil Central de Goiania” and carrying “A Voz da Esperan_a” Religious program. Very Good. (15-Mar/Bruni/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

5035.08 Radio Aparecida, 0925-0940, Noted Bras Pops music, ID, and Portuguese comments from a man. Signal was poor. (12-Mar/Bolland/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

5055.0 Radio Difusora, Caceres, 2310, ID simply as “R. Difusora” during a nonstop-music program. (16-Mar/Bruni/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

6040.41 Radio Clube Paranaense, 0920-0930, Noted plenty of canned advertisements and promos during period especially after 0930. Canned ID at 0935. Signal was good during this period. (10-Mar/Bolland/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

9665.0 Radio Marumby, Florianopolis, 2335-2345, Portuguese, religious program, sermon about the biblical passage Luke chapter 8. (21-Mar/Schnitzer/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

11780.0 Radio Nacional Da Amazona, 0122, Portuguese news, talking about visit of Italian premier Prodi in that country. QSB but strong signal. (5,-Mar/Gravina/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

11925.0 Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0125, Portuguese interview and the usual funny Bras sound. (5-Mar/Gravina/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

15135.0 Radio Record, Sao Paulo, 2240-2255, Portuguese, sports information about soccer, //11965, 9505. (21-Mar/Schnitzer/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

15325.0 Radio Gazeta, Sao Paulo, 2255-2315, Portuguese, religious program from a Bible-society in Manaus (21-Mar/Schnitzer/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

15402.0 Radio Nacional, 1400-1440, Transmitter failure causing signal on this frequency, originating from 15445. Bad modulation on both and giving much splatter on great part of the 19m band. Program in Spanish consisting of Brazilian music. Also problem with program material which changed speed a few times. (13-Mar/Iversen/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

15414.9 Radio Clube (p), Ribeirao Preto, 2350-0005, Portuguese, Brasilian popmusic. 12422 (21-Mar/Schnitzer/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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Radio Bulgaria, from 29 March:

0000-0100 Bulgarian 9415 9485 11660 11720
0100-0200 French 9485 11720
0100-0200 Spanish 9415 9700 11660
0200-0300 Russian 7380 9700
0200-0300 English 9485 11720
0300-0400 Bulgarian 7380 9700
0400-0430 Greek 6140 Mo-Fr
0400-0500 Greek 6140 Sa/Su
0415-0500 Turkish 5900 7365 Mo-Fr
0430-0500 Albanian 6140 Mo-Fr
0500-0600 Turkish 5900 7365 Sa/Su
0500-0600 Serbian 6140 Mo-Fr
0515-0600 German 9485 11825
0600-0700 French 9485 11825
0600-0700 Albanian 7375 Sa/Su
0700-0800 Serbian 7375 Sa/Su
1000-1100 German 15175 17585
1100-1200 English 15175 17585
1200-1500 Bulgarian 5865 13770
1400-1500 Russian 9775 11700 13715
1500-1545 Serbian 5865
1500-1600 Bulgarian 9775 11700 13740 17650
1545-1630 Albanian 5865
1600-1700 Spanish 13790 15315
1600-1800 Bulgarian 9775 11700
1615-1700 German 9700 11720
1630-1715 Greek 5865
1700-1800 French 9700 11720
1715-1800 Turkish 5865 7465
1800-1900 Russian 9775 11700
1800-1900 German 9700 11720
1800-2100 Bulgarian 5865 7465 7495
1900-2000 English 9700 11720
2000-2100 French 9700 11720
2100-2200 English 9700 11720
2115-2215 Spanish 11660 13710
2300-2400 English 9485 11720
2300-2400 Spanish 9415 11660


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Ougadougou noted on 4813 with substantially improved signals in period 2030-2100, with French political review (4-Mar/Padula/EDXP/Padula-AUS)

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11940 Roland Schulze confirms reports that Phnom Penh is currently off SW outlets. Noted BBC Meyerton relay co-channel instead, 1258-1315. (Schulze-PHL/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL) 11940.34 National Voice of Cambodia, 0010-0020, Moderate carrier with few bits of threshold audio. Het from a another carrier on 11940.0. No basis for ID but almost surely this, reactivated, although maybe irregular as I’ve not seen any other recent reports. (9-Mar/Clark-ONT/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL) 11940.3, National Voice of Cambodia, 1204 on 18th with stronger signal than recent months with English talk. On 19th tuned-in to S/on routine 1200 which included new “theme” music (traditional Cambodian-style), female ID and male with news. Fair+ (18-19-Mar/Famularo-JPN)

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A Canadian Press story published today (March 2) states: “Radio Canada International, which has been teetering on the verge of collapse for years, has been given money to rebuild its aging infrastructure. The broadcaster will get $15-million over three years, Heritage Minister Sheila Copps and Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy said Thursday. The money will go to improve or replace transmission towers at Sackville, New Brunwick, and studio facilities at RCI’s Montreal headquarters.” (Sellers-ONT/ODXA)

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CANADA (non)

Radio Asia, Canada is a new Tamil stn beaming to Asia, although from the progrs it is to Sri Lanka and no where else! 1400-1500 12005 from CIS site. Registered are Tashkent-UZB 1220-1330 100 kW 130 degr, and Samara-RUS 1400-1600 100 130. Immediately after 1459 goes into RMWS IS and English VoR Moscow til 1600. Based in Canada and fed via satellite, appears live from time checks given etc. Gives postal addresses in Sri Lanka. Station ID as “Radio Asia Canada Vanoli.” This is the second such stn after IBC Tamil Vanoli now on Dusheti-GEO 7475 kHz 0000-0100. (13-Mar/Goonetilleke-SRI/UADX/BCDX/EDXP/Padula-AUS)

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6165 RDF Nationale Tchadienne, N’Djamena, 0425:30-0428, Distinctive Balafon IS at good level thru Radio Nederland OC and another signal that was probably Zambia. Covered by Radio Nederland IS at 0428. It seems this is the regular frequency replacement for 4904.5 for local morning/evening broadcasts. (28-Feb/Clark-ONT/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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21555v to 21550, Radio Vision Cristina, Test transmissions from Santiago, heard with English and Spanish announcements between 1500-1935 with very good signal. The station is requesting reception reports: Box 490, Santiago 3, Chile, and fax and Email in Chile. (4-Mar/Lopez via Barrera-ARG/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL) Tom Sundstrom received this reply to his report of March 5th.: Thank you for your reception report. I confirm that the details you sent are correct and that you did indeed hear our station. Voz Cristiana is a sister station to Radio Christian Voice (Zambia), both are projects funded by the UK charity Christian Vision. Christian Vision has a web site at <>. In 1996 Christian Vision acquired the site and facilities of the former Radio Nacional de Chile which went off the air many years before. A license application for shortwave services to Latin America is in the final stages of being processed and when granted the station Voz Cristiana will lauch officially. The services planned are to Mexico and Central America, to northern South America and Caribbean, to southern South America (all in Spanish) and to Brazil in Portuguese. The principal studios for the station will be located in Miami, linked to Santiago by satellite, and programming will be exclusively of a Christian nature but of interest to a wider audience.

The facilities at the station include:

The engineers of the station are currently preparing the transmitters for long-term operation at 70kW, and a review of the frequencies the station will use is in progress. It is true that we have been tentatively testing on 21550kHz (intended to Mexico), however since there are various legalities regarding the licence still to be completed I must emphasize that these tests have been TENTATIVE and it would be premature for me to release further details of our test plans and frequency schedule at this stage. Of course I will be thrilled to publicise these as much as possible as soon as I am able.I hope you understand.

With best wishes

Andrew Flynn, Chief Engineer, Voz Cristiana S.A., Emisora Christian Vision (Chile) Ltda., Casilla 490-3, Santiago, Chile. Tel +56 2 855 7046, fax +56 2 855 7053, e-mail (engineering), (admin) (via Sundstrom)

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CNR has introduced a new Chinese channel on 5985 // 7210 kHz and is obviously from the new high powered Urumqui relay. Best 1600 onwards after Yangon S/off. (Goonetilleke-SRI/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

9520 Nei Menggu PBS, new frequency, phone talks and music. 0440-0550*. Nei Menggu also using new 9750 for Mongolian until 0555*. (11-Mar/Miroshnikov/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

3939.70 Hubei PBS (p), February 27, 1105-1120, In Chinese with music and some talk by M and W. (27-Feb/Kecskes/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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7999.54 VO Sudan (Amharic?) excellent levels 0409 M datelines/headlines, lcl mx, lotsa talk, peaked @0430, weak but still audible past 0500. (23-Mar/Quaglieri-NY)

Voice of the People, Somalia, previously on 6870, now on 7035. 1610 Somalian songs, long talk in Arabic followed by songs and talk on Democratic Somalia…Somalia…? Somalia Revolutionary…, followed by the Military music and at 1655 Koran Recital. Time Pips at 1600, ID in English and the usual Military band march. Good signal until 1600, then reception became weak and latter disappeard. (date?/Vaghjee-MAU/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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9610 Radio Congo 1615-1700*, French/Vernacular with strong French accent news, simple ID at 1633 as “Radio Congo,” Afropop music with final French announcement. (19-Feb/Timofeyev-RUS)

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Z98 registrations for Zagreb, 100 kW:

5900 1600-1900
6025 0600-1200
6145 0400-0600
7125 1200-1800
7185 0800-1200
9830 0500-1600


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I’ve complained before about noise bursts marring reception of RKI 9650 at 1137 via Canada. I’m now 99% certain these are generated by the lousy RHC transmitter on 9550, on March 6 at 1140 check, the bursts were again extremely regular, now 12 seconds on, 13 seconds off, appearing at just about any empty spot plus or minus 100 kHz or more from 9550, such as 9555, 9545, 9535, 9515, 9635, 9650, 9655, 9660, 9490, 9455, 9460. The bursts come on abruptly, decrease slightly in intensity during the cycle, and slightly change pitch in the last couple of seconds before cutting off. Continued to be audible during the following hour, but after 1255 when 9550 had signed off, they were no longer heard. Meanwhile, at 1218 I checked another RHC frequency, 6000, and found similar-sounding noise accompanying it around 5990, 6005, but this was continuous. Then March 7 during an extended local power failure, at 1125 the bursts were back, to the previous 9 seconds on/16 seconds off pattern. March 12 at 1150 check, the bursts were gone, and 9550 itself sounded rather sickly. I had E-mailed an early version of this item to Arnie Coro a few days ago, but as usual there was no reply and I am not drawing any conclusions. I’d fall off my chair if this were ever a topic on DXers Unlimited. RHC is a technical marvel, and any problems can be blamed on the embargo (Hauser/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

Hey, I fell off my chair! On the March 14 DXers Unlimited, Arnie Coro did deal with the RHC noise-burst problem I reported previously. But instead of explaining in any detail what caused it, how it was repaired, and godforbid, apologizing to the countless listeners and stations this affected for weeks and weeks, he used his time to make a vicious personal attack on yours truly! I heard it, and anyone can read it on the RHC website. Those who read my DX reports 98-07 and 98-10 will see that I did not make a personal attack on Coro about this, but he responds with a personal attack on me.

Coro apparently took great offense at my sarcastic remarks about RHC transmitters, assuming that everyone would agree with him that I was way out of line. I repeat: “LOUSY.” Any serious SW listener will be aware that RHC transmitters repeatedly suffer from modulation, spurious and harmonic problems. If the RHC engineers were as on the ball as Coro would like us to believe, the problems would be fixed permanently or nipped in the bud. But it took a yankee imperialist to uncover the source of the noise blasts on 31 meters each morning. Why don’t Coro and the rest of the staff monitor their own station? If I could hear this, the same must have been audible to anyone turning on a SW radio in groundwave range around Havana.

Yes, I am impatient with incompetence in the operation of SW stations, and frequently point it out. RHC is certainly not the only station with such problems. By attacking me personally, Coro is trying to shift attention away from the REAL problem, “non-essential radiation” from RHC, by blaming the messenger! He went on to criticize Hotmail, claiming he had not received my message directly to him about this, and even WEWN, as if I were somehow responsible for them. As a matter of fact, as many other than Coro will remember, it was I who exposed WEWN’s super-splatter problems, something which they did not appreciate, either. Tough luck. Stations are using OUR airwaves, and I will make public problems wherever I find them. At least, briefly in the middle of his diatribe, Coro admitted RHC was the source:

“YES, Mister Hauser was right, we had a problem with the frequency generator used at our old Brown Boveri of 1961 vintage.”

He calls me isolated–this from someone in one of the most isolated countries on earth! He calls me unprofessional for making public the problem rather than quietly telephoning him directly about it. Let me explain a few things. I am not isolated, but independent. I am not on any station’s payroll, and not obligated to give any of them technical advice. I am not unprofessional, but non-professional. I am a listener, critic and SW journalist. I report to the public on what I hear. In order to do that, something has to be transmitted. In this case, severely interfering noise bursts, week after week. I may make a reasonable effort to inform the station of the problem, as I did in this case with the E-mail directly to Coro a few days earlier, but I am not going to sweep it under the carpet, nor am I going to refrain from expressing my opinions, even if they are sarcastic. Everyone has the right to do this. In this country, we happen to have freedom of speech.

May I remind you that Cuba is one of the few countries which deliberately jams foreign SW broadcasts, mostly from the US, causing a lot of collateral damage much like the RHC noise bursts did. This is one topic Coro doesn’t dare mention on his show.

He makes a big deal of not receiving my direct E-mail, and not learning of the problem (doesn’t he have a SW radio?) until forwarded by Wolfgang Bueschel. As my previous report said, it seemed the problem had already stopped before this, but perhaps it was just intermittent. He says on Friday, March 13, he and the chief engineer spent the whole morning looking for the problem, finally found and fixed it by removing a “decadic [?] frequency generator and connecting a spare unit.” And indeed since then, we once again have a clear 31 meters in the morning, thanks to me, at least for the time being. Unfortunately, Coro thinks I am “super-egotistic, ‘only I know about everything'” Of course not, but I obviously knew about this before he did, and he just can’t take it.

Ithink this episode gives us a rare glimpse of the real Arnie Coro, behind the good-fellow your-friend-in-Havana facade he tries so to hard to portray. I’m not surprised. I’ve previously received word from an American SWL, which I have not made public, that at considerable personal expense and trouble, he sent Coro something he needed via a third country. And all he got in reply was a slap in the face. In reality, Coro shows he is a vindictive ideologue who can’t take criticism, on the payroll of one of the most repressive dictators on earth. Tsk, tsk (Glenn Hauser, “selfish, autocratic, chief engineer for the world”)

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Radio Denmark from 29 March, all in Danish:

0030-0055 11640 11735 13805
0130-0155 11640 11990 13805
0230-0255 11645 11990
0330-0355 9975 11990
0430-0455 7485 11635 11990
0530-0555 7485 13800 15220
0630-0655 7180 9590 11665 13800
0730-0755 7180 9590 13800 15640
0830-0855 15175 15640
0930-0955 15175 15675
1030-1055 11605 18950
1130-1155 11605 15625
1230-1255 15640 17785 15650 17535
1330-1355 9590 15640 15650 17535
1430-1455 15695
1530-1555 13800 15230 15705
1630-1655 9590 13800 17640 18950
1730-1755 7485 13830 15705 15220
1830-1855 7485 15735 15705 18950
1930-1955 7485 15220 15705
2030-2055 7485 15220
2130-2155 13830
2230-2255 13830 13800
2330-2355 11640 11735 13830 13805

(Koie-R. Denmark/Costello-NC)

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4788.66 Onda Musical, 2326 to past 0003. ID at 2326 and a news program. After 2330 talk and short segments of music in between change of speakers/topics.Off the air at 0009 re-check. Re-activated slightly new frequency. (16-Mar/Harms/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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HCJB has discontinued use of 9365 kHz to Europe, following a complaint from the government of Colombia of interference in some of their point-to-point transmissions due to our use of this frequency. (Graham-HCJB/Mayer/Ludwig-FRG/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

It may take HCJB three to four years to relocate 11 SW txs, 32 antennas and 48 towers at its Pifo transmitter site which is in direct line with a new international airport at a cost of US$5m. In view of changing media opportunities some broadcasts may be transmitted by relay facilities in other countries, some targets may be dropped, in fact eventually HCJB may drop SW to all areas outside Latin America. HCJB will not rebuild the European antennas. The emphasis will be to move as little as possible and rent and relay as much as possible. (WDXC Contact/BCDX/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

3280.0 R. La Voz del Napo, Tena; 105-1140 mx saludos y oraciones ID “Radio Difusora Catlica La Voz del Napo” px religioso. (27-Feb/Arrunategui-PRU/Chasqui DX)

4814.1 Radio El Buen Pastor, 2328, Weak, in Spanish. (14-Mar/Klemetz/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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6210 Radio Fana, ID at 0400-0435. Also music and talk by male and female. Covered by VOIRI until 0426 and in the clear after that. (4-Mar/Harms/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

7165.0 Voice of Ethiopia, 1455-1459*, AA music and final Arabic announcement, also on 7110 at *1459-. (3-Mar/Timofeyev-RUS)

9560 Voice of Peace, Addis Ababa, at 1135 with songs followed by talk and radio play at 1140, songs after that until 1159 when ID by woman in lang. and then EG: “You have been listening to the…prgm produced by Radio Voice of Peace from the External Svc of R. Ethiopia. We shall be on the air again tomorrow in the 25 and 31 mb. . . at 11 hours.. . Radio Voice of Peace.Thank you for listening.” Went off at 1200; fair rcpn, and covered by SLBC on //11800. (1-Mar/Vaghjee-MAU)

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From March 29th, YLE Radio Finland will change its daily English SW half hour for North America to an evening slot, 0200 on 9780 and 11900 kHz. The morning (US time) broadcast in English continues to be heard at 1230 on 15400 and 11900 kHz–but on Sundays only. (YLE Radio Finland in DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

Radio Finland, Foreign Language Services, Z-98:

0200-0230 English 9780 11900
0500-0515 Swedish 9560
0515-0530 French 9560
0515-0530 Russian 9655
0530-0600 German 9560
0630-0700 English 11945 17830
0630-0800 Swedish 9560
0830-0900 Russian 15225
0900-1000 Swedish 9560
1000-1030 German 9560
1300-2005 Swedish 9730
1330-1400 Russian 6180
1600-1630 Russian 6180
1945-2000 French 6135
2000-2030 English 6135
2030-2100 German 6135


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Following sked direct from Radio Georgia, claiming all frequencies 200 kW:

0500-0800 Georgian 6180 Tu/Th
0600-0630 Russian 11805
0630-0700 English 11805
0700-0730 German 11805
0800-0830 Georgian 11910
0830-0900 English 11910
0930-1000 English 11910
1000-1030 Georgian 11910
1600-1700 Georgian 5990 Sa/Su
1630-1700 English 6180
1730-1800 Georgian 6180
1730-1900 Georgian 5990 Sa/Su
1800-1830 German 6230
1830-1900 English 6230
1930-2000 English 6230
2000-2030 German 6230
2030-2100 Russian 6230

(Lippert/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL) Unsure whether or not this already refers to the upcoming Z98 season. (Ludwig/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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Deutsche Welle Z-98 English sked:

0100-0150 6040A 6085C 6145W 9640W 11810S
0200-0250 7285W 9615T 9690W 11945N 11965T 12045M
0300-0350 6085C 6145W 6185C 9535S 9640A
0400-0450 5990K 6015W 7225K 9565K 11765W
0500-0550 6045S 6185A 9615W 11810B
0600-0650 11915W 13790S 15185W 17820T 17860W 21680T
0900-0950 6160A 9565K 12055R 15205L 15410K 17715T 17800K 21600W 21680W
1100-1150 15370K 15410K 17765W 17800K
1600-1650 6170T 7225T 9875V 15415W 7130K 9735K 11810K 21695W
1900-1950 9640N 9670T 11785T 11810K 13790W 15245K 15390W
2000-2050 9615S
2100-2150 7115N 9670T 9735K 9765W 11785T 11865W 15135K
2300-2350 5975J 6090T 7235W 9690T

A=Antigua B=Bonaire C=Sackville J=Kranji K=Kigali L=Talata M=Samara N=Nauen R=Irkutsk S=Sines T=Trincomalee V=Novosibirsk W=Wertachtal (Volk-FRG)

[ Contents ]


The unID African heard drifting up and down this range for the past couple of weeks turns out to be a spur of GBC on 4915. On 22-Feb, noted with talk in English, choral anthem and s/off at 0000 on 4792.9-4793.5v, GBC R. One. Interesting that the spur drifts but the fundamental doesn’t. (28-Feb/Hill-MA)

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9650 Radiodiffusion Nationale, Conakry, 2330 Mar 12, reactivated here and on //7125.African highlife selections, numerous announcement blocks with formal ID and frequencies, requesting reports. Reasonable signal but watery-sounding audio on 9650; tnx to suggestion from Mark Veldhuis in #swl, checked listed parallels and found it 30 over 9 on 7125. Nice guitar IS 2345-2349, then back with same announcement and more music 2350. VO Russia started tuning up on frequency around 2355, mixing thereafter. Announcements said: “Ici Conakry, Radiodiffusion Nationale de la Republique du Guinee. L’emission que vous ecoutez est…pour juger la qualite de nos emetteurs en ondes courtes. nos ecouteurs…communiquer les resultats de l’ecoute a l’address suivante: Direction General de l’estacion de Radiodiffusion, BP 3322, Conakry, Republique du Guinee. Telephone…(lots of numbers)…indique le lieu, l’heure, et le frequence d’ecoute de la present emission.” Basically: They want to know the quality of their shortwave transmissions, and they want reports of the place, time and frequency where you heard this transmission. Send your reports to the address above. Frequencies given as 6155 7125 9650 and 15310. Both till going strong at 0230; 9650, free of QRM, better then. Found this quite by accident when checking 9650 for Uruguay, which was not heard tonight. Not heard Mar 13 or 14. Almost sounds like they received a Gabon-like infusion of cash from Paris. (12-Mar/Novello-NC)

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5949.42 GBC 0931 odd subcontinental/tropical music, M ancr w/passing ID, W gives little speech about women’s equality, back to odd musical format, creamed by WYFR *0955. Ouch! (23-March/Quaglieri-NY)

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Radio Budapest, Z-98 Mar-29 to Oct-29:

0000-0100 Hungarian 9810 11910
0100-0130 English 6120 9580
0130-0230 Hungarian 9840 11685
0230-0300 English 9840 11910
0300-0330 Russian 3975 6145
0300-0400 Ukranian 3975 6145
0400-0430 Romanian 3975 7290
0430-0500 Croatian 3975 7185
0500-0530 Slovak 3975 5985
0530-0600 Serbian 5980 9700
0900-1000 Hungarian 17780 21560 (Su -1100)
1200-1300 German 5970 7220 Su
1430-1500 Russian 5975 9530
1500-1530 Croatian 3975 7165
1530-1600 Romanian 3975 7165
1600-1630 Ukranian 3975 7165
1630-1700 Slovak 3975 6185
1700-1730 Serbian 5990 6145 (Mo-Sa)
1700-1800 German 3975 5990 Su
1730-1800 German 3975 5990 Mo-Sa
1800-1900 Hungarian 3975 5960
1900-1930 English 3975 7170
1930-2000 German 3975 7180 Mo-Sa
1930-2000 Serbian 7120 7155 (Su)
2000-2100 Hungarian 3975 9505
2000-2100 Hungarian 15210
2100-2130 English 3975 11700
2200-2300 Hungarian 9840 11905 (Su -2400)


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11815 AIR Feeder Service *0125 Unlisted freq s/on with IS and announcement “[?Ee-YON?] Akashvani;” off at 0205, leaving R. Brasil Central in the clear. Back again at *0228 with improved signal. Also noted External Service fair on 11735 at *0215 in presumed Pushtu // poor 13620. (22-Mar/Hill-MA)

The newly formed Prasar Bharati Corporation which regulates All India Radio now, is already reeling under management problems and industrial action. Eventhough transmitter spares have been indented (as per government procedure), there is a delay in procuring them. Consequently, two 500 kW HF transmitters in the transmitting station near Bangalore has been rendered inoperable. This means reduced operations for the External Service. Also the fact that AIR is operating on HF round the clock from 8th March to carry special election bulletins heightens the scheduling load. These extended transmissions would continue until the new government formed by 15th March. The good news is that it is a good time to DX and secondly to get new QSLs under the Prasar Bharati masthead.

Also in a state of disrepair is the antenna switching hall in the Kingsway camp transmitter site in Delhi. The transmitters are up just about as the feeder lines have been plugged in directly to the curtain arrays. This means mismatched antennae and distorted/overloaded signals and also less number of beams and thereby reduced operation. (Guha-IND/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

Home Service:

9565 not heard at 1330-1740,
9835 heard only at 1515-1600v? ?,
15135 replaced by 11815 at 0125-0400,
15260 not heard at 0700-0850,
15185 replaced by 11850 but only at 0730-0850,
6045 noted at 0228-0300,
3390 now sign on at 0100, some days they signed off at 1630,
7180 Sundays 0228-1135 continuous,
4990 Itanagar back on air after being off air for some months.

External Service:

0130-0229 Nepali 11715 replaced by 9550,
1215-1330 Tibetan 9565 not heard,
1230-1500 Sindhi 11585 replaced by 11650,
0700-0800 Nepali not heard on 9595 & 11850

(Jacob-IND/Guha-IND/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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2490.3 RRI Ujung Pandang, Local pops at 1912, M talk at 1917, poor. (8-Mar/Yamada-JPN/Jembatan DX)

2580.5 RPDT2 Timor Tengah Selatan (p) Local pops at 1353, Love Ambon at 1400, off at 1401*. Poor. (8-Mar/Yamada-JPN/Jembatan DX)

3126.0v RPDT2 Halmahera Tengah(p) Local pops program at 1408. Poor. (8-Mar/Yamada-JPN/Jembatan DX)

3264.7 RRI Gorantolo, 1221-1255*. (4-Mar/Schulze-PHL/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

3264.83 RRI Bengulu,1255-1305, Local ID, 1259 SCI, time announcement, then RRI Jakarta relay “Warta Berita Ekonomi….” Weak, //3214.9, 3325, 3344.9, 3384.9, 3395.1. (4-Mar/Schulze-PHL/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

3344.84 RRI Ternate, 1153-1200 fair, M vocal lagu. At 1159 ID “I nilah Radio Republik Indonesia Ternate dengan gelombang-gelombang 89.68 meter, 76.4 meter dan FM frekwensi 102MHz.” then Rayuan Pulau Kelapa and Jakarta new s relay. (1-Mar/TIN-JPN/Relampago DX)

3355.3 RRI Sumenep(p) 2003-2015 Jakarta News, UTE QRM.(12-Mar/Takeno-JPN/Jembatan DX/Yamada-JPN)

3905.0 RRI Merauke, Irian Jaya, 2058, Song of the Coconut Island, followed at 2100 by Warta Berita by male speaker in Bahasa Indonesia. (16-Mar/van Rooy/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

3959.7 Unidentified. 1856 “Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia” relaying RRI Jakarta. SCI at 1859. Jakarta news relay at 1900. Fair. (8-Mar/Yamada-JPN/Jembatan DX)

3960.2 RRI Palu (p), 1524-1535*, Bahasa Indonesia with local pop music, some talk and number of phone calls, mention Palu. No clear ID heard. (13-Mar/Kecskes/DX Window/Jembatan DX/Yamada-JPN)

3976.0 RRI Pontianak, 1255-1302 Talk program, 1259 ID “Radio Republik Indonesia, Pontianak” (11-Mar/Takeno-JPN/Jembatan DX/Yamada-JPN)

4000.2 RRI Kendari, 1215-1226 Program from Jakarta, ID as “Radio Republik Indonesia Kendari” at 1227. Good. (14-Mar/Takeno-JPN/Jembatan DX/Yamada-JPN)

4075.3v Unidentified. Local pops at 1444, SCI at 1458, Jakarta news relay at 1500. M talk at 1515, SCI at 1559, Jakarta news relay at 1600, Signed off at 1613. Poor. David Foster says this station is a spur of RRI Pontianak. (8-Mar/Yamada-JPN/Jembatan DX)

4777.13 RRI Jakarta; 1455-1500 fair,lagu hiburan and national news. (28-Feb/TIN-JPN/Relampago DX)

4845.2 RRI Ambon, 0928-0932 Choral music, ID. (14-Mar/Takeno-JPN/Jembatan DX/Yamada-JPN)

4874.6 RRI Sorong, Irian Jaya, 1152, Local music with high woman’s voice piercing up through the noise floor. Faded up a bit for short male announcement 1159, then SCI and talk thereafter. (13-Mar/Novello-NC)

4874.56 RRI Sorong, 2127-2122, Indonesian. Polynesian sounding music into pips, IDs and local news mentioning Sorong a couple of times. (13-Mar/Boogert/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL) 1959-2010, with Coconut song, local news, 2007 NA followed by more pop music. Heard again in our mornings. (10-Mar/Kecskes/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

4925.0 RRI Jambi, 2157, Quoran prayer until 2159, then male speaker in Bahasa Indonesia with ID as: “programa satu Radio Republiek Indonesia Jambi,” followed by Song of the Coconut Islands. At 2200 warta berita by female speaker. (20-Mar/van Rooy/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

6024.5 RRI Banjarmasin. 2115 call to prayer, still on air at 2158. Usually closes at 2100. (13-Mar/Foster/NU/Jembatan DX/Yamada-JPN)

11785.0 VO Indonesia 0102 W in EE w/nx incl items about IMF and Indonesia’s economic crisis. Fair and gaining strength, battling w/Brasilian on 11785.14. //9525 even better and in the clear using USB. (3-Mar/Quaglieri-NY)

15150.0 Voice of Indonesia, 1800-1805, End of Spanish program mentioning frequencies, into start of German program “Stimme Indonesiens” mentioning 9525, 11755 and 11785 kHz, but only this outlet was heard. 1804 news read by native German woman presenter. 35444 (13-Mar/Boogert/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

RRI Sorong 4874.6kHz broadcasts English program at 1130 every Sunday. Station on 4874.6kHz signs off at 1400 and signs on at 2000. (Yamada-JPN/Jembatan DX)

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Here is a monitored schedule of VOIRI Arabic service:

5995 2130-0530 (or 0730)
6025 1700-2330
6120 +0030-0330+ (noted on 19/2, but not on 26/2)
6150 1930-0130
7130 0330-0730
7170 0330-0530
7190 0330-0530, 1430-2130
7220 0330-0730
7260 2130-2330
9022 2130-2330
9615 +0030-0230+ (noted on 26/2)
9665 1700-2030
11745 0930-1330
11995 1330-1700
13605 0930-1130
15125 0530-1230
15350 0530-1430

This schedule includes the Voice of Palestine (Sawt Al Palestine) in Arabic between 1930 and 2027 on 6025, 6150, 7190 and 9665. There is a second clandestine program in Arabic via VOIRI (Voice of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq) between 0330 and 0527 on the following additional frequencies: 6195, 7115, 7295 and 9610. (19-Feb/Timofeyev-RUS)

9520 VOIRI 0430, New frequency for Turkish service, strong signal over co-channel Radio Liberty. (28-Feb/Ormandy/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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[As much as I appreciate the info, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen an accurate and complete Kol Israel schedule posted online. This one is no exception, plus is was so convoluted it took a half-hour to format. Grrr!-AQ] Kol Israel, from 29-Mar thru 25-October:

A-Reshet Alef domestic relay

B-Reshet Bet (Hebrew) domestic relay

D-Reshet Daled (Arabic)

H-Reshet Hey–International Service

R-Reka–Network for immigrants domestic service relay

0000-0100 Hebrew-B 11585
0100-0300 Hebrew-B 15615 11585 9390
0300-0400 Hebrew-B 15615 11590
0300-0530 Arabic-D 15480 9815 5915
0400-0415 English-A 17535 11605 9435
0400-0455 Hebrew-B 15615 11590 9390
0500-0515 French-R 15640 11605
0500-1600 Hebrew-B 17545 15615
0530-1030 Arabic-D 15480 5915
1000-1030 French-R 15650 15640
1030-1035 English-R 15650 15640
1030-1200 Arabic-D 5915
1200-2110 Arabic-D 12140 9815 5915
1400-1430 English-A 17535 15650
1400-1500 Persian-H 15640 11605 9435 Fr/Sa
1400-1525 Persian-H 15640 11605 9435 Su-Th
1500-1525 SS/Ladino-H 21625 17535 15640 Sa
1540-1545 French-H 17535 15650 11605
1545-1557 English-H 17535 15650 11605
1600-1630 Yiddish-R&H 15650 15640 11605 9435
1600-1700 Hebrew-B 17545 15615 11590
1625-1645 Romanian-H 15640 11605 9435
1635-1645 Maghrebi-R 15650
1645-1700 Ladino-R 15650
1700-1725 Yiddish-R&H 15640 11605 9435
1700-1740 Hebrew-B 17545 15650 15615 11590
1725-1735 Spanish-R 15650
1730-1855 Russian-R&H 11605 9435
1740-1800 Hebrew-B 17545 15615 11590
1800-1855 Hebrew-B 17545 15615 11585
1855-1855 Hebrew-B 15615 11585
1900-1925 English-H 15640 15650 11605 9435
1900-2000 Hebrew-B 15615 11585 9390
1930-1950 French-H 17545 15650 15640 11605
1950-2000 Spanish-H 17545 15650 15640 11605
2000-2055 Hebrew-B 15640 15615 11585 9390
2055-2100 Hebrew-B 15640 11585 9390
2100-2110 Hebrew-B 15640 11585 9390
2110-2400 Hebrew-B 11585
????-???? Hungarian-H 15640 11605 9435
????-???? Judeo-Tat-H 11605 9435 Fr
????-???? Georgian-R 11605 9435
????-???? Bukharian-R 11605 9435


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RAI schedule from 29-Mar:

0050-0110 English 6010 9675 11800
0050-0110 Spanish 9575 11755
0110-0125 French 6010 9675 11800
0110-0125 Portuguese 9575 11755
0130-0230 Italian 6010 6110 9575 9675 11755 11765 11800
0230-0305 Italian 6010 9575 9675 11755 11800
0305-0325 Italian 6010 9675 11800
0305-0325 Spanish 6010 9575 9675 11755 11800
0330-0350 Russian 5975 9670 11800
0350-0410 Ukrainian 5975 9670 11800
0400-2200 Italian-a 6060 9515
0400-2200 Italian-b 7175
0415-0435 Amharic 15250 17780
0430-0600 Italian 6110
0435-0510 Italian 15250 17780
0445-0505 Lithuanian 5975 9670
0510-0530 Romanian 5975 7240
0510-0530 Somali 15250 17780
0535-0555 Arabic 11900 15250
0535-0555 Russian 9670 11800 15280
0600-1000 Italian 6110 7240 15240 21520
1000-1100 Italian 6110 7240 11925 15240 21520
1100-1200 Italian 6110 7240 15240 21520
1200-1300 Italian 15240 21520
1330-1355 Arabic 7290 9670 11800
1335-1355 Albanian 5990 7240
1400-1415 Slovene 5990 7240
1400-1425 Italian 15250 17780
1415-1435 German 5990 7240
1435-1455 Croatian 5990 7240
1500-1520 Turkish 5970 7240
1500-1525 Italian 5990 7290 9670
1520-1540 Greek 5970 7240
1530-1555 French 5990 7290 9760
1540-1600 Bulgarian 5970 7240
1555-1625 Italian 5990 7290 9760
1605-1625 Russian 9670 11800 15280
1630-1655 Arabic 9690 11880 15280
1630-1655 French 9670 11840
1700-1800 Italian 9760 11840 15250 15320
1805-1825 German 5990 7160 9760
1815-1830 Czech 5970 9530
1830-1845 Slovak 5970 9530
1830-1905 Italian 15250 17780
1845-1905 Polish 5970 9530
1910-1930 Serbian 6110 9670
1910-1930 Somali 9695 11910 15250
1935-1955 English 5970 7145 9760
1935-1955 Hungarian 6110 9670
2000-2020 Danish 9655 11860 Su/Tu/Th
2000-2020 Esperanto 9655 11860 Sa
2000-2020 Russian 6035 9670 11800
2000-2020 Swedish 9655 11860 Mo/We/Fr
2025-2045 Arabic 6110 7290
2025-2045 English 7120 9710 11880
2050-2110 Portuguense 6110 7290 9710 11880
2110-2130 Spanish 6110 7290
2115-2135 Romanian 5970 7120
2125-2155 Czech 5970 7120
2135-2155 Arabic 6110 7290
2155-2210 Slovak 5970 7120
2200-0400 Italian-c 6060
2200-2225 English 6150 9675 11900
2210-2225 Polish 5970 7120
2230-0050 Italian 6010 9675 9575 11755 11800

On Sundays from 1345-1700 is a special broacast of “Tutto il Calcio minuto per minuto,” sport news in Italian, frequencies 9855, 17789, 21535, 21520 and 21710. (Serra-IT)

Adventist World Radio has purchased 133 acres of land near the small town of Argenta in north-eastern Italy. Dr. Don Jacobsen, Director of the worldwide AWR System, states that this site will be the location of a large shortwave station capable of reaching more than one third of the world’s total population. A new transmitter building at Argenta will house four large shortwave transmitters with the option of adding two more. Initially, the antenna field will contain six highly directional antennas. Ground breaking ceremonies at the Argenta property are scheduled for later this year. Plans call for this new station to be switched into regular service in July in the year 2000 during the worldwide Quinquennial Convention of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination in Toronto, Canada. (Adrian Peterson/Lamb-NY)

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Some changes are coming for Z-98 in R. Japan relays via Sackville, Canada, starting April 1 at 0100. English in the morning on 6120 reverts to only one hour, at 1100, but there’s a new hour at 0000 on 11705, along with the usual 0500 on 6110. In Japanese, the general service hour will be at 0200 on 5960; the “R1” service, domestic relay, I suppose, will be at 0300 on 5960, 1300 and 1400 on 11705 and new 2200 on 11705. The French Guiana relay no longer will carry any English, just Japanese, Spanish and Portuguese (Hauser-OK/Leite)

NHK-World Radio Japan‘s English plan for Z98:

0000-0015 11815 13650
0100-0200 11870 15570 15590 17810 17835 21610 21670
0300-0400 17685 17825 17855
0500-0600 9835 11715 11760 11840 11850 15230 17810
0600-0700 9835 11840 11850 17810
1000-1100 9695 11730 11850
1100-1200 9695 11730
1400-1500 9505 11730
1500-1600 7200 9505 9750 11730
1700-1800 6090 7110 9535 9825
2100-2200 9725 11850 13630

(21-Mar/Hishikawa-JPN/NHK-World/R.Japan/WWDXC Top News/Bueschel-FRG)

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5470 Radio Veritas: VN/EE; 0518 M religious tlk in local language, 0528 back to EE w/M ID “This is Radio Veritas, the radio stations of the Catholic Media Centre, broadcasting to you from Monrovia, Liberia.” + freqs, then canned promo “For complete coverage of news and events, topics…(??)…of national concern, and religious radio programs, no one features the diversity of programming like we do. Radio Veritas–broadcasting from Monrovia on 97.8 FM, 5-point-4-7-0 MegaHertz in the 90 meter band, and 3-point-4-5-0 MegaHertz in the 60 meter band shortwave. Listen to Radio Veritas! We are the voice of truth!” [notice they got their bands mixed up…] At 0530 cock crows, then W into EE nx…Fair, weaker past 0600. (23-Mar/Quaglieri-NY)

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3287 Radio Madagascar, last year they moved to 3140, but now it seems that they have returned to former 3287, heard during the African Cup of the Nation until late night. I presume they have quit 3140 for a while. (Vaghjee-MAU/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

5009.50, Radio Madagasikara; Antananarivo, 1914-2000 in Vernacular with excellent Afro, reggae music. Best of the Africans this morning. (28-Feb/Kecskes/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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Radio-Television Malaysia (RTM) 3385 4835 7160, all not active!!! Strong co-ch QRM on 7130, so not sure if there is any MLA program active. (Schulze/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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Effective Mar-29, Voice of Malta, Valetta, presumed German, Suns 1130 via RAI Rome facilities [0900-1200] 9600 and 2030 on 12060 [Sherpukhov Russia 250 kW 250 degr]. (12-Mar/Zimmermann/Gery/wwh/BCDX/EDXP/Padula-AUS)

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XERTA is back, after an absence of 4 or 5 months. Hector Garcia B. in Mexico City tells me he first heard them in the daytime March 13 on 4800, but on March 14, 15 they had problems and were on 4952 instead. March 16, back to 4800. I was hearing a carrier on 4800.7 that day, and on March 17 at 1225, definite ID in French, also during following hour with previous format of music and frequent produced IDs, the same as used before. This is all bad news for Buenas Nuevas, the Guatemalan on 4799.9, with an equally strong signal; the two produce a heavy heterodyne when both are on, and are difficult to separate. XERTA really ought to get a frequency not already used by a neighboring country! By March 19 around 0530, XERTA was relatively clear, now with live DJ and timechecks, more talk; same at 1150 check but now again versus TGBN. After 1230 or so the Guatemalan begins to fade and XERTA has the upper hand for about an hour (Hauser-OK)

6185 R. Educacion 0907 gangbusters w/tourism show in EE about Guadalajara, SS/EE ID @0913, into SS programming w/mx. (23-Mar/Quaglieri-NY)

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RTM is heard back on air via what I think are the Tangier transmitters. On March 1 found on air at 1010 in Arabic on 15345 and was then //with the VoA Briech relay on 15335, when that came on at 1100-1500. 15345 was still going at 1900 when faded/mixed with RAE ARG v15344.92, on March 2 carrier was noted on 15345 at 0845 and Arabic programming commenced at 0903. On March 1 I looked for English service which used to be on either 17595 or 17815 at 1400, but only Cairo found on air on 17595 and nothing on 17815. However, I was able to check again at 1530 and found v17814.8 on air with strong signal in French with a mixture of rock/pop music and talks with news at 1600, 1700 & 1800 (or thereabouts!) and at 1804 came an English ID as the “International Service of Radio Morocco.” Music and announcements followed until the signal took a sudden turn for the worst at 1823 and quickley faded out. My guess is that French started at 1500 and the English program is retimed to 1800. No signal on 17815 so far at 1500 today. Only Brazil very weak on there. 15345 is still on at 1500 with good strength. Both transmitters –15345 and 17815–have a buzz in the audio, but are strong signals. Beware of Saudi Arabia also on 15345 during our afternoons, 1200-1500 Ur & Be. The RTM Tangier transmitters have been off for at least a year. (Green-UK/EDXP/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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4945 Radio Mozambique, Maputo, 1740, Live commenatry on African Cup Football. Checked again at 2120: continuous music program. ID as Emissao Interprovincial Maputo at 2200, then news in Portuguese, NA, S/off at 2210. Very poor signal, //1008 kHz. (28-Feb/Vaghjee-MAU/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL) Em. Interprovincial Maputo has moved to 4947.5. Heard at 2000. Station is now nearer to Angola (4950); both are in Portuguese and with the same type of music; still hard to hear. (11-Mar/Vaghjee-MAU/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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Radio New Zealand International 29 Mar-03 May:

0459-0716 11905 Mo-Fr (0459-0758 Sa/Su)
0717-1206 9795 Mo-Fr (0759-1206 Sa/Su)
1650-1851 6145 Mo-Fr
1852-2051 11735 Su-Th (1852-2106 Fr/Sa)
2052-0458 17675 Su-Th (2107-0458 Fr/Sa)
1207-1650 6105 occasional use for Sporting broadcasts and/or Pacific Cyclone Warnings.

(20-Mar/Sainsbury-NZL/WWDXC Top News/Bueschel-FRG)

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5020 La Voix du Sahel, Niamey, back after many months off the air, at 1700 to 1859 in Arabic and African language with news and music, 1815 Afro and EE mx to 1859, then IS and ID in French: “Ici Radio Niger,” into news. Very poor reception. (6-Mar/Vaghjee-MAU/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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6290 Radio Pakistan, 1850, Poor-fair signal in Urdu. Presume this is why Voice of Hope moved to 6285kHz. (4-Mar/Ormandy/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

Radio Pakistan‘s M-98 schedule fr Mar 8th-May 2nd has now arrived and is:

0100-0215 Urdu 11760 15485
0230-0245 EE-SSN 7485 11760 13610K 15485
0330-0400 Gujrati 15325 17555
0430-0630 Urdu 11725 15170 17555
0800-1120 Urdu 15530 17830
0900-0930 Indonesian 15425 17540K
1000-1030 Tamil 15405 17540K
1100-1145 Hindi 7255 9610 11995K
1200-1230 Chinese 9705 11835
1200-1245 Mitali/Bangla 9785 11975
1300-1345 Persian 9775 11975
1330-1530 Urdu 9650 11570 15495K
1430-1500 Turki 5055 6070
1500-1530 Russian 5055 6070
1600-1630 English 9650 11570 15495K 15170 17720
1700-1900 Urdu 9330 11570
1730-1800 Turkish 7340K 9400K
1800-1845 Arabic 7460 9425
1800-1900 Urdu 7255
1930-2000 French 11570

K= Karachi 50 kW others Islamabad 100/250 kW.

(16-Mar/Green-UK/WWDXC Top News/Bueschel-FRG)

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While in New Zealand and Fiji, I regularly heard the stations on 2410, 3220, 3245, 3260, 3275, 3305, 3315, 3325, 3365, 3385, 3395, 3905, 4890 and 9675 kHz, some with strong signals. I suspect that the following stations on 90 meters are inactive for the time being: Vanimo 3205, Kimbe 3235, Boroko 3290, Wewak 3335 (other DX-ers report this as sporadic on the air on 27-Dec and 08-Feb), Kundiawa 3355 and Mt. Hagen 3375 kHz. The reason for this inactivity may be the present drought on PNG with limited or no water energy available. PNG is covered by the strong Trade Winds from South East which means that these cities have a Fohneffect from the nearby mountains and therefore particularly the severe drought. (Petersen-NZ/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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3234.82 Radio Luz y Sonido, 1015-1030, Initially Huaynos music followed by Spanish comments from a man. Shortly a second man joins in. After a few moments, back to Huaynos music. Signal was very good, but had a TTY right on top. (12-Mar/Bolland/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

3330.43 Radio Ondas de Huallaga, 1025-1035, man in comments with ID. This followed by music with comments over. Possilby romantic comments considering the tone. Signal was good, but CHU cause some QRM. (12-Mar/Bolland/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

3339.94 Radio Altura, 1030-1045, Long period of comments from a man followed by canned ID, “Radio Altura…,” then into Huaynos music. Signal was good. (12-Mar/Bolland/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

4300.0 R. Hualgayoc is on Jiron San Martin, the only street of the mining town of Hualgayoc. The transmitter is the one Frecuencia Lider–R Bambamarca was planning to operate as “R Estacion Norte.” Owner is Maximo Zamora Medina. Poor signal, Feb 19, 0040, when they were playing a Peruvian version of a Colombian hit (in the “despecho” line) from 1992, “Nadie es eterno en el mundo” (Klemetz-COL/Dateline Bogota)

4485.0 “Frecuencia VH, la inigualable” and “RVC, estacion de amor,” Feb 23, 0015, with message slot, followed by esoteric prgr, 0030, where moderator “el gran maestro Segundo Herrera” greeted listeners to his prgr on “R Frecuencia VH, La V de Celendin.” Earlier, the DJ said sked for Feb 24 would be “5am–11pm, electricity permitting.” (Klemetz-COL/Dateline Bogota)

4505.0 R. Horizonte, ex-4534, 1045, “La V de la Liberacion.” (3-Mar/Klemetz-COL/Dateline Bogota)

4700.6 R. Origen, Huancavelica; 1140-1215 mx huayno ID “Esta es la linda programacin de su Radio Origen…” mx ID “Origen, las dems nos siguen…” (28-Feb/Arrunategui-PRU/Chasqui DX)

4752.5 Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1007-1015, Huaynos music and Spanish comments from a man. ID, and TC’s with mentions of “Peru” during comments. Signal was fair but only audible in LSB due to Indo just above. (12-Mar/Bolland/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

4855.54 Radio La Hora, 1030-1105, man in Spanish comments, TC’s and ID followed with music. Signal was fair at beginning of period, but by 1105 was to poor level. (11-Mar/Bolland/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

4890.16 Radio Chota, 1148-1152 poor, px “Amanecer Campesino,” M read a letter from listener in Cochabamba. At 1152 IDed as “Esta es Radio Chota, transmitiendo para todo el pais en ondas media y corta en forma simultanea…gracias por su sintonia.” (28-Feb/TIN-JPN/Relampago DX)

4950.10 Radio Madre de Dios, 1035-1050, Average signal. (10-Mar/Wilkner/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

4955.0 R. Cultural Amauta, Ayacucho, 1100 relaying news from R Programas del Peru. (3-Mar/Klemetz-COL/Dateline Bogota)

4970.83 Radio Imagen, 0950-1000, steady music and some comments during period. (10-Mar/Bolland/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

4990.94 Radio Ancash, Huaraz, 1115-1120 px “Cushi Cushum” (25-Feb/TIN-JPN/Relampago DX)

4995.58 Radio Andina in well at 0958 past 1030 with morning programming of crude local music and many anmts, including a PSA by a crazed-sounding W. Usual cruddy audio. (23-March/Quaglieri-NY)

5018.6 Radio Horizonte back on the air in early March. Usually no S/off announcement immediately prior to close down. On March 12, 0050, canned program off cue: “En Horizonte, hemos presentado “Hola paisita.” Feliz noche. Hasta manana.” Then into devotional feature and NA. (12-Mar/Klemetz-COL/Dateline Bogota)

5018.65 Radio Horizonte, 0055, Music and IDs. Quite strong. (15-Mar/Kuhl/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL) 5018.7 Radio Horizonte, Chachapoyas, 2320-2345, Spanish, time announcements and ID by woman: “Son las siete y 21 minutos en Radio Horizonte;” advertisement for a lottery, huayno music, mensajes. 33423. Reactivated station, often audible here in Germany from 23.00 UTC onwards. (13-Mar/Schnitzer/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

5039.19 Radio Libertad, 0932-0955, Steady Huaynos music. Comments by a man. Canned promos and ID using echo effect. Signal was fair with out QRM, but at 1000 adjacent signal comes up and causes a lot of splatter ruining everything. (12-Mar/Bolland/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

5039.22 Radio Libertad, 1013-1020, a man in Spanish comments with many mentions of “Peru” and “Lima.” Signal was poor due to high noise mainly. (10-Mar/Bolland/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

5305.0 Radio La Inmaculada manager is R.P. (short for Reverendo Padre, the way you address yourself to a priest) Jorge Carrasco. News program at 0100 is “Potencia 21,” not “Potencia 1” as I reported earlier. (Klemetz/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

5522.2 Radio Satelica?, 2340-0010, Is a little confusing. Probably Radio Sudamerica with new name, as the station transmits exactly on the same frequency. I am a little unsure of the exact name, having a clear ID at 2359 as “Maurico en Radio Satelica, son las 7 de la noche,” but the name to me doen’t sound too correct Spanish. But the pronounciation is correct, with stress on the last but one syllable. Then at 0008 two other ID’s could sound like Satelica, but also as Radio Favorita as well. But these two are more uncertain, so I’ll put my dollar on Satelica. All these ID’s came after a long, rather boring, program ending at 2358 as “aqui paso otra edicion de su programa ‘En (?) andina rural. Un cuento con (pasionante?) mundo (andino?) oculta, atrav_s de los hermanos Gand. Un mensaje de amor y comprencion para (ser humano?) desde del cuenta…?…ofensiva, afinados o maltratado por la vida: ven aqui.” (14-Mar/Hermod/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

5678.1 Radio Ilucan back after weeks of silence, 0050, mixing with Radio Frecuencia San Ignacio, 5677. Not audible March 12. (11-Mar/Klemetz-COL/Dateline Bogota)

5645.8 Radio Cultural Amauta, Bambamarca, first noted February 21, then most nights. March 3, 0100 “Paraiso tropical.” Slogans such as “la radio joven de Bambamarca,” “la nueva estacion radial de Bambamarca,” and canned ID–with heavy reverb–such as “Cultural Amauta, siempre en su corazon,” and “La mas variada programacion musical Usted la encuentra (…) en su radio amiga, Cultural Amauta, que nacio para servir.” Studio address is no longer that of La V de San Antonio, but rather somewhere along Jiron Jaime de Martinez, in the town of Bambamarca. (3-Mar/Klemetz/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

5995.26 Radio Melodia, 1045-1100, two man in conversation. Since station moved up in frequency, have noted Radio Melodia staying in for longer period of time, well pass sunrise. Canned promos and ID at 1050. Signal this morning was good. (12-Mar/Bolland/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

6535.76 Radio Huancabamba, Huancabamba, Piura, 0005. Andean country music with organ and accordian, ads, and ID’s inserted over music and mentioned in passing multiple times by male DJ. Fine signal in rare absence of QRN. (14-Mar/Novello-NC)

6675.5 Radio Ondas del (Rio) Maranon, most nights until S/off 0100 approx. (Klemetz/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

6674.56 Radio Ondas del Rio Maranon, Aramango; noted at 1145 with weak signal, OA folklore.(28-Feb/TIN-JPN/Relampago DX)

6811.53 Radio Ondas del Rio Mayo, Nueva Cajamarca; *1015-1022 fair, S/on with the following opening announcement: “Amables oyentes tenga n todos y cada uno de Uds. muy buenos dias. A esta hora Radio Ondas del Rio Ma yo se complace en presentarles nuestra programacion correspondiente al dia de hoy, sabado, 28 de febrero de 1998.” then continued with the morning music sho w “El Madrugador.” (28-Feb/TIN-JPN/Relampago DX)

7746.0 Radio Cristal, 1155 lively music and Spanish, 1204 mentioned San Hilarion in cerveza, mueble ads, and 1206 R. Cristal ID in passing; starting to fade. (6-Mar/Hauser-OK)

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R. Portugal‘s Winnie Almeida made a very brief announcement at 0457 March 18 on 6150, 9570 that their English service would be closed down at the end of March. As usual, it was very difficult to understand her amid the low modulation, co- and adjacent-channel interference. Until then the English sked is: M-F 1430-1500 to ME on 21515 [heard a trace of it here]; 2100-2130 Eu 7110, 9780, 9815; UT Tue-Sat 0430-0500 6150, 9570 (Hauser-OK) All foreign language programs end as of March 31, also French and Tetum [for Timor]. English had been on the air since 1954 and was known as Voice of the West in the 60s and early 70s. Portuguese external services will continue on a restructured schedule. (Baker-UK/Barraclough/World DX Club/World of Radio/Hauser-OK)

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Dohar noted on new 9520 0315-0630, ex usual 7210 at *0245-0705* and//9570, very bad choice: RL in Ru 0200-0800, VORI Tehran in Swahili 0415/0420-0427* plus Turkish *0430-0527* and Bosnian *0530-0627*, VoSudan (cland.) *0400v-0600v* on 9519.1 (10-Mar/Timofeyev-RUS)

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Additional RFA broadcast in Mandarin:

7530 1800-2000 7530 9355 9650 9885 9905


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6040 Romania Aktualitati, 2315, In Romanian. // mediumwave, good signal but terrible, distorted audio. Noted next day at 1525 on 9570. Seems, that 17850 at noon as well as 9570 and 6040 are the same disrepair transmitter (120 kW) at the Galbeni site, near Bacau. (24-Feb/Ludwig-FRG/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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Active shortwave transmitters carrying regional programs:

4040 5 2200-1800 Tura
4485 15 0000-2000 Yazykovo
4520 50 1800-1400 Palana
4820 50 0000-2000 Khanty-Mansiysk
4825 50 2000-1600 Yakutsk
4860 80 2000-1600 Chita
4895 50 0000-2000 Tyumen
5290 5 0000-1600 Perm
5290 50 2200-1800 Krasnoyarsk
5930 50 0200-2200 Monchegorsk
5940 100 1800-1400 Arman
5050 5 2000-1600 Blagoveschensk
6095 3 0000-1600 Khanty-Mansiysk
6160 40 0200-2200 Arkhangelsk
7140 50 2000-1600 Yakutsk
7200 5 0200-1600 Yoshkar-Ola
7200 100 2000-1600 Yakutsk
7210 100 2000-1600 Khabarovsk
7320 100 1800-1400 Arman
7345 50 2000-1600 Yakutsk
9530 100 1800-1400 Arman
9600 100 1800-1400 Arman
11650 5 1605-2000 Perm
11840 15 1800-1400 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
15165 5 1605-2200 Yoshkar-Ola
15235 3 1605-2000 Khanty-Mansiysk

All transmissions are one hour earlier (UTC) in summer season (April-October). All regional stations relay Radio Rossii when not broadcasting their own programs.

Inactive regional shortwave stations:

4030 15 Anadyr
4050 15 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
4485 100 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy
4610 15 Komsomolsk/Amur
4795 50 Ulan-Ude
5015 100 Tavrichanka
7185 3 Perm
15200 3 Perm


7440 Voice of Vietnam, Moscow area, 1800, Transmitter switched from Voice of Russia German service into the program feed from Hanoi, bringing Voice of Vietnam’s English service // direct 12019, SIO 555. The satellite feed isn’t perfect, but that gets compensated by the Russian modulation brilliance, compared with the muffled audio from the Vietnamese transmitters. Regarding Noel Green comments: There is no carrier break at 2000, so Voice of Vietnam and Voice of the Mediterranean originates from the same transmitter and antenna. I would estimate, this outlet is performed with a 250 kW unit (perhaps two ones) and a antenna beam of some 260 degrees, covering both Europe and North Africa. (6-Mar/Ludwig-FRG/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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Radio Sweden English Schedule effective Mar-29:

0100 11985
0230 9495 (alt. 7135)
0330 9475 (alt. 11665)
1130 15240 17870
1230 13740 15240
1330 13740(alt. 17515) 15240
1730 6065 15735 (Mo-Sa)
1730 13855 15735 (Su)
1930 6065
2030 6065 13830 (Sa/Su)
2130 6065 9430


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Swiss Radio International, Z-98 Schedule

0030-0100 German 9885/SUI 9905/GUF
0100-0130 English 9885/SUI 9905/GUF
0130-0200 Spanish 9885/SUI 9905/GUF
0200-0230 French 9885/SUI 9905/GUF
0230-0300 Spanish 9885/SUI 9905/GUF
0300-0330 Italian 9885/SUI 9905/GUF
0330-0400 German 9885/SUI 9905/GUF
0400-0430 English 5840/D 6165/SUI 9885/SUI 9905/GUF
0430-0500 English 9885/SUI 9905/GUF
0430-0500 French 5840/D 6165/SUI
0500-0515 German 5840/D 6165/SUI
0500-0515 French 9885/SUI
0515-0530 French 5840/D 6165/SUI 9885/SUI
0530-0545 Italian 9885/SUI
0530-0600 English 5840/D 6165/SUI
0600-0630 Italian 5840/D 6165/SUI
0600-0630 French 9885/D 11860/D 13635/SUI
0630-0700 French 6165/SUI 9885/D 11860/D 13635/SUI
0700-1000 French 6165/SUI
0700-0730 Italian 9885/D 11860/D 13635/SUI
0730-0800 English 9885/D 11860/D 13635/SUI
0800-0815 German 9885/D 11860/D 13635/SUI
0830-0900 English 9885/GUF 13685/SUI
0900-0930 Italian 9885/GUF 13685/SUI
0930-1000 German 9885/GUF 13685/SUI
1000-1030 English 6165/SUI 9535/D
1000-1030 French 9885/GUF 13685/SUI
1030-1100 German 6165/SUI 9535/D
1100-1130 French 6165/SUI 9535/D
1100-1200 English 9810/SNG 17515/SUI
1130-1200 Italian 6165/SUI 9535/D
1200-1230 English 6165/SUI 9535/D
1200-1230 German 9810/SNG 17515/SUI
1230-1300 French 9810/SNG 17515/SUI
1230-1300 Italian 6165/SUI
1300-1330 Italian 6165/SUI 9810/SNG 17515/SUI
1300-1400 English 7230/CHN 7480/CHN
1330-1500 Italian 6165/SUI
1400-1430 German 7230/CHN 7480/CHN
1400-1500 English 9575/SNG 15265/SUI
1430-1445 Italian 7230/CHN 7480/CHN
1500-1530 German 6165/SUI 9575/SNG 15265/SUI
1530-1600 French 9575/SNG 15265/SUI
1530-1800 German 6165/SUI
1600-1615 English 9575/SNG 15265/SUI
1630-1700 Italian 9905/SUI 12075/D 13635/D
1700-1800 Arabic 9905/SUI 12075/D 13635/D
1730-1800 German 9885/D
1800-1815 French 9905/SUI 12075/D 13635/D
1800-1830 Italian 6165/SUI 9885/D
1830-1900 French 6165/SUI 9885/D
1830-1900 Italian 9840/D 9905/SUI 11725/D
1900-1930 English 6165/SUI 9885/D
1900-2000 Arabic 9840/D 9905/SUI 11725/D
1930-1945 Rumansch 6165/SUI
2000-2030 English 9840/D 9885/GUY 9905/SUI 11725/D
2000-2030 German 3985/SUI
2030-2100 French 3985/SUI
2030-2100 German 9840/D 9885/GUF 9905/SUI 11725/D
2100-2130 English 3985/SUI
2100-2130 French 9840/D 9885/GUY 9905/SUI 11725/D
2100-2130 Spanish 6165/SUI
2130-2200 Italian 3985/SUI
2130-2200 Portuguese 6165/SUI
2200-2230 French 9885/SUI 11650/GUF
2230-2300 German 9885/SUI 11650/GUF
2300-2330 Italian 9885/SUI 11650/GUF
2330-2400 Spanish 9885/SUI 11650/GUF



CHN: Beijing

GUF: Montsinery

SNG: Singapore

SUI: Lenk and Sottens (Volk-FRG)

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V of Turkey noted on new 7185 at 0017 in Tu //9445 5980 9460, seems to replace now-vacant 7280. So much for any further loggings of Myanmar this freq/time. (3-Mar/Quaglieri-NY)

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If anyone is interested in verifying Turkmenistan, this might be a good time. I rcvd a form letter with stn seal in 56 days for an audio cassette and $1. BADXer John Fisher also rcvd his on the same day. Their address is: R. Turkmenistan, Natl TV & Radio B/Cing Co., Mollanepes St. 3, Ashgabat 744000, Turkmenistan. V/S: G. Khanmamedov, Chief of Technical Dept. (1-Mar/Comeau-MA/NU/EDXP/Padula-AUS)

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9620 CXA6, SODRE is inactive due to txer’s transformer failure at exciter stage. There are not specific spare parts available for replacing it, so it should be rewinded.(Escobar-SODRE/Nigro-URU)

6140/9595/11735 R. Montecarlo/Oriental‘s SW txer is currently inoperative, I guess for the next couple of weeks to come. They are moving it inside the xter site, in order to make room for their new 50 KW MW txer. (16-Mar/Sr. Alexi Haysaniuk, stn’s techn. mgr/Nigro-URU)

The “Direccion Nacional de Comunicaciones” (the Uruguayan state radiocommunications authority) has just released a public convocation for the exploitation of two SW frequencies in the 49 mb: 6055 and 6155, both with 2 KW maximum authorized power, for omnidirectional pattern antenna types and a regional zone of coverage to serve. 6055 hasn’t been assigned earlier and I don’t know the outlet’s callsign, but 6115 has been CXA13 (which was operated by CX16 Radio Carve, Montevideo -MW 850-several years ago). Also, nearly forty frequencies in the FM BC band all over the country are included in this notice. The interested persons will have a 60 laborable day time limit to forward their respective applications a period that starts running after the last date of publication of this notice in the “Diario Oficial” (the State Bulletin). (9-Mar/Nigro-URU)

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The FCC has issued call letters for Allan Weiner’s new SW stn in Maine: WBCQ. When the stn goes on the air in late summer, Allan will be offering discount rates for free radio b/cers who would like to gain access to the airwaves via WBCQ’s 50 kw txer. For more info, E-mail Allan at (McCormick/

KNLS from Mar-29 to Sep 28:

0800 English 9615
0900 Russian 9615
1000 Mandarin 9615
1100 Russian 6150
1200 Mandarin 7365
1300 English 7365
1400 Mandarin 9615
1500 Mandarin 7355
1600 Mandarin 7355
1700 Russian 9615

(5-Mar/KNLS website/Kubiak/EDXP/Padula-AUS)

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6065 Christian Voice, Lusaka, 0440-0501, Typical morning program of quasi pop-oriented vocals, mixing with co-channel WYFR to its 0445* and DW to its 0450*, then in the clear but weakening and subject to severe adjacent channel slop. This was actually much easier to hear thru CHU on ex-3330. (3-Mar/Clark-ONT/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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4828 ZBC R. 4 Another long-missing outlet observed since March 15 with vernacular chatter mentioning Zimbabwe, also highlife-flavor pop song. Dramatic reading of some kind from 2155, then anthem at 2159 and off. (15-Mar/Hill-MA)

5012 ZBC, Harare, 0415-0431, News by woman in Shona or other local language to 0420, drums, man in English with ID for Radio 2 and ZBC, TC for 20 minutes past six, then back to language program with echo announcements and Radio 2 promo, followed by Afro rhythms. Strong signal on this daytime channel at least on this date instead of 3306. Radio 4 was good on usual 3396. Radio 2 was back on 3306 at 0340 check on March 5. (3-Mar/Clark-ONT/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

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The 6200-6270 extended band: Eff. Mar-29, planned operations are:

6200 Dublin, Ireland 10 kW 24-hrs
6200 Okhost, Russia 20 kW 2000-1500
6200 Horby, Sweden 500 kW 0230-0430
6200 Horby, Sweden 350 kW 1645-1700
6200 Litomysl, Czech Rep 100 kW 0100-0230
6210 Cerrick, Albania 100 kW 1630-1645
6210 Tbilisi, Georgia 100 kW 1730-1830 (WRN)
6220 Cerrick, Albania 100 kW 0130-0200
6230 Almaty, Kazakhstan 100 kW 0000-0700
6235 Kavala, Greece 250 kW 1500-1700
6235 Thessaloniki, Greece 35 kW 2000-0000
6240 Cerrick, Albania 100 kW 1800-1815
6245 Avlis, Greece 100 kW 0000-0400
6245 Thessaloniki, Greece 35 kW 1400-2300
6260 Avlis, Greece 100 kW 0000-0400
6260 Thessaloniki, Greece 35 kW 0600-0800
6260 Kavala, Greece 250 kW 1100-1300
6260 Avlis, Greece 100 kW 1800-0000
6260 Warsaw, Poland 100 kW 1630-1800
6260 Tashkent, Uzbekistan 50 kW 0100-2000
6270 Armavir, Russia 20 kW 24 hrs

(HFCC/Bob Padula/EDXP/Padula-AUS)

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6665L UNID w/Mideast (Turkish?) music noted 0335-0350*, intermittently off, no announcements, good signal on this aeronautical frequency. (23-Mar/Quaglieri-NY)

7193.0 UNID, 1426, Maybe north-east African according the best antenna beam. (3-Mar/Timofeyev-RUS/DSWCI DX Window/Veldhuis-NL)

15168.20 UNID 1022 female and male speakers, unidentified language but sounds like Arabic, Farsi or Urdu, some music fragments. Distorted audio, very weak but improving slightly over time. May have been drifted Algiers. (24-Feb/Schaay-NL)

On 15283.9v, unstable carrier with hum, at 1712 muezzin; suspect Libya? (6-Mar/Hauser-OK)

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Last month’s 4793.2v UNID…see this month’s GHANA.

Last month’s 6012.7v UNID (recently 6012.5) is Tele R. Stereo reactive from Italy. (Hill-MA)

Last month’s 15535.6 @1217 UNID was Tunisia. (Hill-MA)

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Interesting story on David Bresnahan show “Talk USA” 0500 UT Feb 26 on WHRI 5770. The guest was Prince Lazarus of New Utopia, a new country which will soon appear in the Caribbean. Construction will begin in April on a group of submerged islands halfway between Cayman and Belize. (I assume he was referring to the Rosario Reefs north of Swan Island). A complete city will be built on concrete pilings, including an airport, apartments, condos, shopping malls, hotels and a medical center. The Principality of New Utopia will be primarily a tax haven, banking and medical centre, and has already applied for UN membership. Anyone can become a citizen by donating $200 to Prince Lazarus, although the local population will be limited. No, this is not an April fool’s joke. To contact the Prince, or to apply for citizenship, a phone number in Oklahoma was given. (I wonder if that new radio ship is planning to broadcast from New Utopia). (2-Mar/Behr-ONT/WORLD OF RADIO/Hauser-OK)

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